About the GMAT, MBA

How to Prepare for GMAT in 2023: The Complete Guide

How to Prepare for GMAT

Most MBA aspirants struggle with the question of how to start preparing for the GMAT. Preparing for GMAT from scratch is a daunting task if you do not know the correct strategy. If you are stuck in this situation, read on to find out everything you need to know


How to Prepare for the GMAT from Scratch?

Step 1: Take a Diagnostic Test

As uncomfortable as it may make you feel, take a free diagnostic test online to assess your starting point for GMAT. It will help you understand where you stand and how far you are from your target score.

Step 2: Gather Basic Information on the GMAT

Head to mba.com to learn more about GMAT’s exam structure and syllabus. You can also read everything you need to know about the exam here.

Step 3: Make a Personalized Study Plan


Based on the time you have for GMAT prep, your target score, and your starting point, make a study plan for yourself and hold yourself accountable to it. Read more about making a personalized study plan here.

Step 4: Build Conceptual Foundation


Ideal GMAT preparation should be done in 4 stages. First, focus on building a conceptual foundation. Only after you understand everything clearly and in-depth, can you expect to proceed seamlessly in your GMAT preparation.

Step 5: Master Application


Once you feel that all major concepts are crystal clear, move to strengthening approaches – pay careful attention to how concepts are applied in different question types. 

Step 6: Maintain an Error Log

An error log can prove to be your best friend in the entire preparation journey. Whenever you get a question wrong during practice, note the question number, source, topic, and reason for your error. It may seem tedious at first but an error log is pivotal to your preparation strategy.

Step 7: Attain Accuracy

Focus on building accuracy. Practice untimed until your accuracy reaches over 90%. Only after you touch 95% accuracy in each subtopic, should you move to the next step – speed. 

Step 8: Achieve Speed

In the final phase of your GMAT prep, you should be balancing time and accuracy. Your accuracy may see a dip, now that you are trying to solve questions in around 2 minutes. But do not lose heart. Keep at it until your accuracy is back at 90-95%. Learn the timing strategy you should follow for quant section here. See the video below to learn how to time yourself in the verbal section.

Step 9: Take Mock Tests

Once your accuracy within 2 minutes/per question crosses 90% start taking full-length mock tests. Between each mock, analyse your performance in a detailed manner to understand what went wrong and how can you fix your weaknesses. Take about a week to completely eliminate the mistakes and only then take another mock.

Step 10: Ace the GMAT

After a few mocks you should be able to fix your mistakes completely and reach your target score. It’s time to take the GMAT. After following these steps, you would be completely ready to conquer the daunting exam. If these steps seem intimidating, do not worry. At Enzo, we specialize in channeling student potential in the right direction and empowering them to score the 99th percentile on the GMAT.

How Long Does it Take to Prepare for the GMAT?


It takes roughly 8-10 weeks to prepare for GMAT from scratch. However, the exact time depends on your starting point, target score, and the number of hours you devote to preparation daily. 

How to Prepare for the GMAT While Working?

Studying for the GMAT alongside working a rigorous job is quite challenging but not impossible, given you have the right guidance and direction.

1. Maintain a strict daily routine

To achieve your target GMAT score, it is imperative to maintain a strict schedule every day. You cannot just study when you ‘get’ time. Instead, you need to carve out a time period every day that is devoted to GMAT preparation come rain or sunshine

2. Discipline and consistency are key

Training for GMAT is akin to training for a marathon – you must devote time to it daily. Studying in bouts every now and then will not help you achieve the 99th percentile. Hear our lead GMAT trainer’s advice on balancing job and GMAT preparation here:

3. Keep small and realistic goals

This is the key to studying for the GMAT. Given that you will have limited time with your demanding job, it is imperative that you keep small, manageable, and realistic goals for daily studies. This will keep you on track and motivated. 

4. Choose your study material carefully

Do your due diligence on the courses and practice material you opt for. Not all study resources are comprehensive, updated, and reliable. The OG is a great resource to start with but remember to study from other sources as well. 

5. Manage time and stress well

Time management is key when you try to balance work, study, sleep, exercise, and other commitments. Finally, it is natural to feel stressed during this challenging time. Consequently, get adequate sleep and exercise, and if possible, find a GMAT buddy who you can study with.

GMAT may seem daunting, but here at Enzo we believe in making the journey simple for all our students by channeling their potential in the right direction. Learn concepts, applications, test-taking strategies, and much more at Enzo with our unique GMAT courses. Schedule a free demo today!