Exclusive for GMAT 760+ Aspirants







Sarthak Chowdhary
Sarthak Chowdhary
GMAT 800
Manan is an excellent GMAT instructor. He takes into account a lot of things while teaching his clients, hence providing a personalised teaching experience as opposed to cookie-cutter teaching formula. He breaks concepts into digestible chunks and is very patient while teaching. Definitely the best in the business.
Vanshaj Agarwal
Vanshaj Agarwal
GMAT 770
As someone who was coming from a score of 410 in diagnostics, I was really disheartened and had almost decided to give up on an MBA. A quick chat with Manan changed my entire perspective. To cut the long story short, managed a 690 in my first attempt and eventually a 740! A 330 point improvement, all thanks to Manan.
Rohit Arora
Rohit Arora
GMAT 770
Manan mentored me and I aced 770 on the test (Q50, V47). He is phenomenal at whatever you want from a mentor/tutor/professional. Hands down, he is the best for GMAT coaching. Other than just coaching, I used to look up to him as a role model. ⁰I honestly feel, had it not been for Manan, I would not have ever made to such a score. Thank you, Manan! I will always be grateful to you, always!

Top B-school Admits

Our students have cracked admits and secured scholarships from the top B-schools in the world.

You can too…

Meet Manan

World’s only trainer to have helped his students achieve the elusive PERFECT 800 SCORE &

Diverse teaching experience: Trained over 9,500 students from across 25 countries for GMAT, GRE, SAT

Delivers consistent excellence: The highest scores obtained by his students : 1580(SAT), 800(GMAT), 339 (GRE)

Personalised attention: Ensures highly personalised mentorship to each student.

Consciously competent: Having overcome several challenges himself, he believes in unlocking the inner champion in every student

IVY League and more: His former students have gone to Harvard, Yale, Brown, Cornell, Columbia, Duke, Dartmouth, Wharton, Stanford, Kellogg, Princeton and many others

Customised techniques: Strategies tailored as per student’s capabilities to ace each exam section

What you get only here,
and nowhere else

The only crash course experts in the world

The highest chances of scoring 700+ on the GMAT

Enjoy unlimited 1-on-1 mock analysis discussion

10,000 practice questions to cement your knowledge

Only teacher to have helped students get perfect 800

Avail an exclusive 6 hour complimentary crash course

740+ score guarantee (Take the test to qualify)

Give the world's highest number of mock tests

Unprecedented increase in scores

Join the club

660 to 740
Akshay Dewan
The impressive hike in scores was a product of our structured, technique-based approach, and a customized study plan
410 to 740
Vanshaj Agarwal
our handpicked content, practice tests, mock analysis discussions helped him score an impressive 740 within a short span of time
450 to 770
Rohit Arora
Our one-on-one mock analysis discussions and flagship crash course catapulted his score beyond his imagination.
360 to 760
770 in 2 months
Raunak Agarwal
As a working professional, she benefited immensely from our distinctive crash course’s content and strategies.
770 in 30 days
Rishabh Bansal
750 in 7 weeks
Sankalp Garg
760 in 5 weeks
Aayush Ranjan
Ayush secured 760 in first attempt after our popular crash course, resources, and mock tests despite 10-year gap

Google Reviews

Meet Our Top Achievers

Pallavi Chadha
Pallavi Chadha
Rishabh Bansal

Akshat Mittal

Rishabh Bansal (770)
I came here especially to get in the 720+ range. If you have any doubts, Manan is the best person for you. He teaches you the best ways of applying techniques.
Akshat Mittal

Akshat Mittal

Akshat Mittal (770)
The structured approach and ample practice at Enzo ensured that I was well-prepared for the exam. Manan is a great teacher and is always available for his students.
Sheel Chaubey

Akshat Mittal

Sheel Chaubey (760)
I scored 760 in my first attempt because of Manan. We were given specific and time-bound assignments which included all the concepts tested on the exam
Ishan Maini

Akshat Mittal

Ishan Maini (760)
Score 760 (Q49/V44) While you have to work hard to get a good score, it is equally important that you are given a solid foundation to work on.
Ankit Sinha

Akshat Mittal

Ankit Sinha (760)
An impressive amount of thought has gone into designing the curriculum, the homework and the study plan. Manan understands the exam better than anyone I’ve met.
Ashutosh Kejriwal

Akshat Mittal

Ashutosh Kejriwal
Sankalp Garg

Akshat Mittal

Sankalp Garg (750)
Improving from V29 to V40 in less than 2 months, I have got only one person to thank for this achievement Manan.
Tanya Sogani

Akshat Mittal

Tanya Sogani (740)
The material provided is amazing, and the staff is very helpful and knowledgeable. Overall a great experience.
Ria Narayanan

Akshat Mittal

Ria Narayanan (740)
The classes helped me understand the way I should approach the questions on the GMAT, and strategies specific to an adaptive exam.
Shivangi Saxena

Akshat Mittal

Shivangi Saxena (740)
Highly recommended; High GMAT scores become effortless; Excellent guidance and faculty.
Saumya Singh

Akshat Mittal

Saumya Singh

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Enzo Prep guarantee a score of 740+?

We to guarantee a score of 740+ if you clear our Enzo Guarantee Measure Admission Test (EGMAT) Head to our website to book your slot for the test

How do I register for EGMAT?

You can register for the test on our website to get more information.

Do you provide doubt clearing support over call or mail?

We provide doubt clearing over both mediums. The students can reach out to to mail their doubts or call 8375993443

Where can I find details of the courses?
We offer six different courses to suit different needs. You can view the course offerings in detail on our website under Plans and Pricings
Which course is right for me?

Take our quiz to find out which course is best suited for you

What does the crash course cover?
We are proud to offer the only consolidated crash course for the GMAT exam.Our crash course offers 15 hours of pre-recorded videos, 5 sectional and 5 full length tests, rapid doubt clearing sessions, and provides a consolidated cheat sheet for all essential concepts. With limited seats in each batch, register now
Can I access the course on the phone?
Who will be teaching the course?
Our expert, Manan Kumar will be training you for the exam. He has over ten years of experience and having given the exam himself, he has formulated smart strategies to score 740+. He is also the only trainer in the country who can boast of helping his students achieve a perfect 800 score. You can learn more about him on our website’s homepage
What is the course validity?
The courses and resources offered to our students are valid for 1 year
When do the courses start?
Once a student registers for a course and pays the fee, they are allotted a date in their mail.
When do the courses end?
Once a student registers for a course and pays the fee, they are allotted a start and an end date in their mail.
What is the duration of the course?
Each of six courses vary in their duration. You can read about the course duration and other details in our Plans and Pricing section
How much time would I need to spend on studying in addition
to the course?
GMAT is a demanding course and in addition to our comprehensive courses, you will have to alot around 2-2.5 hours. You will find more detailed information in the brochure attached to the mail confirming your registration with us.
When will I be ready for the exam?
Each student has different strengths and weaknesses and varying time that they can allot daily but on an average, our students are ready to ace the exam within a month of classes.
Do you provide mock analysis discussion
Yes, we provide unlimited one-on-one mock analysis discussions with our courses.
Do I have to purchase any additional resources apart
from the course?
No. Once you register for our course, we provide you with all the material that you would need for GMAT.
Does Enzo Prep offer any free resources?

Yes, we offer a personalised study plan, 6 hours of pre-recorded videos, 100 latest practice questions, and weekly webinar series. Sign up here to access them.

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Sarthak Chowdhary (800)

Manan is an excellent GMAT instructor. He helped me ace the perfect score of 800. He takes into account a lot of things while teaching his clients, hence providing a personalised teaching experience as opposed to cookie-cutter teaching formula. He breaks concepts into digestible chunks and is very patient while teaching. Definitely the best in the business.