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Smartworks, 4th floor, Times Square Building, Sushant Lok, Block B, Gurgaon, Haryana 122001

Frequently Asked Questions
Does Enzo Prep guarantee a score of 740+?
We to guarantee a score of 740+ if you clear our Enzo Guarantee Measure Admission Test (EGMAT) Head to our website to book your slot for the test
How do I register for EGMAT?
You can register for the test on our website to get more information.
Do you provide doubt clearing support over call or mail?
We provide doubt clearing over both mediums. The students can reach out to to mail their doubts or call 8375993443
Where can I find details of the courses?
We offer six different courses to suit different needs. You can view the course offerings in detail on our website under Plans and Pricings
Which course is right for me?
Take our quiz to find out which course is best suited for you
What does the crash course cover?
We are proud to offer the only consolidated crash course for the GMAT exam.Our crash course offers 15 hours of pre-recorded videos, 5 sectional and 5 full length tests, rapid doubt clearing sessions, and provides a consolidated cheat sheet for all essential concepts. With limited seats in each batch, register now
Can I access the course on the phone?
Who will be teaching the course?
Our expert, Manan Kumar will be training you for the exam. He has over ten years of experience and having given the exam himself, he has formulated smart strategies to score 740+. He is also the only trainer in the country who can boast of helping his students achieve a perfect 800 score. You can learn more about him on our website’s homepage
What is the course validity?
The courses and resources offered to our students are valid for 1 year
When do the courses start?
Once a student registers for a course and pays the fee, they are allotted a date in their mail.
When do the courses end?
Once a student registers for a course and pays the fee, they are allotted a start and an end date in their mail.
What is the duration of the course?
Each of six courses vary in their duration. You can read about the course duration and other details in our Plans and Pricing section
How much time would I need to spend on studying in addition
to the course?
to the course?
GMAT is a demanding course and in addition to our comprehensive courses, you will have to alot around 2-2.5 hours. You will find more detailed information in the brochure attached to the mail confirming your registration with us.
When will I be ready for the exam?
Each student has different strengths and weaknesses and varying time that they can allot daily but on an average, our students are ready to ace the exam within a month of classes.
Do you provide mock analysis discussion
Yes, we provide unlimited one-on-one mock analysis discussions with our courses.
Do I have to purchase any additional resources apart
from the course?
from the course?
No. Once you register for our course, we provide you with all the material that you would need for GMAT.
Does Enzo Prep offer any free resources?
Yes, we offer a personalised study plan, 6 hours of pre-recorded videos, 100 latest practice questions, and weekly webinar series. Sign up here to access them.