AWA Template for Getting The Perfect 6 (2022)
GMAT essay writing can be broken down into simple components if only you use the right templates. Read the article to find 3 templates that will help you get the perfect 6 on the GMAT AWA section!
GMAT essay writing can be broken down into simple components if only you use the right templates. Read the article to find 3 templates that will help you get the perfect 6 on the GMAT AWA section!
GMAT AWA section may seem irrelevant, but the admission committees still look at your AWA score. Read on to know how the AWA section is scored and why does the section matter.
What is the GMAT score based on? Which sections are taken into consideration? How are GMAT scores converted into percentiles? Read the article to understand how does the computer adaptive nature of GMAT influence scoring and how are percentiles rankings and scores governed.
Getting on the MBA waitlist is disheartening but if you follow strategic Dos and Don’ts, you can manage to secure admission to your dream business school. Read on to find out what should be your course of action.
GMAT preparation journey begins with a robust and carefully crafted personalized GMAT Study Plan. Make yours with these simple steps!
Learn all the aspects of the much-talked about GMAT exam – its eligibility criteria, registration, sections, difficulty level and much more. A complete guide to all your questions and more.