About the GMAT, AWA

AWA Template for Getting The Perfect 6 (2022)

AWA Template

The GMAT AWA essay which you are required to write within the 30-minute time limit can be best approached through a well-defined blueprint or template. This helps in streamlining your thoughts and offers greater clarity in writing. A template also helps in simplifying the process of writing the GMAT essay so you can save your mental energy for quant and verbal sections. 

An ideal AWA template considers the criteria on which the GMAT essay is graded and the skills you need to demonstrate to get the perfect 6.0. The approach for making a template for yourself should be to include a paragraph-wise structure of your essay including the type of content that should be written in each paragraph. Read on to find three GMAT AWA templates for you: 

GMAT AWA Template #1

Approach: Use each paragraph to discuss a flaw followed by suggestions for improving the argument. 


  • Length: one paragraph of 2-3 sentences.
  • Content: Summarize the argument and state that the given argument is flawed.


  • Length – 2-3 paragraphs of 4-5 sentences each
  • Content: Use each paragraph to introduce a flaw in the argument and demonstrate why it is a flaw. For example, incorrect comparison, insufficient evidence, generalizations, etc. Next, offer suggestions for fixing the aforementioned flaw.


  • Length: one paragraph of 2-3 sentences.
  • Content: Offer a balanced view by admitting that while the author’s side has some merit, the overall argument is erroneous. Finally, reiterate your rationale for this conclusion.

GMAT AWA Template #2

Approach: if your suggestions for improvement of errors in the author’s argument apply to more than one flaw then it is best to reserve the suggestions after mentioning the flaws.


  • Length: one paragraph of 2-3 sentences.
  • Content: Summarize the argument and state that the given argument is flawed.


  • Length – 2-3 paragraphs of 4-5 sentences each
  • Content – Use the first or first two paragraphs for discussing the flaws and the final paragraph of the body elucidating on ways to correct them. 


  • Length: 3-4 sentences
  • Content: Offer a balanced view by admitting that while the author’s side has some merit, the overall argument is erroneous. Finally, reiterate your rationale for this conclusion.

GMAT AWA Template #3

This detailed guide by Chinese Burned on GMAT Club. 

After going through these three templates and incorporating them into your practice, you would know which one aligns with your writing style and the given essay prompt the best. It is always handy to have some sample sentences for oneself to cover common flaws across prompts. 

There can be no single template that will be a one-shoe-fit-all and you have to apply your logic and reasoning to figure out what approach of writing will best work for the GMAT essay.

P.S. Irrespective of the template, always take a few minutes to make a mindmap of your essay before beginning writing. 

If you want to know more about the GMAT essay section, read Why Does the GMAT AWA Section Matter?

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